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Application - Trooga

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1Application - Trooga Empty Application - Trooga Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:52 am


- Character Information -

*In-Game Name:
Trooga Brazenbeard

*"Real" Character Name:

Used name: Trooga


*In-Game Age: 45 as Dwarf age

*In-Game Occuptation: None(formerly paladin)

*In-Game location of residence: "Crashing" at Blue Reclusive Inn(Stormwind),

*(Brief) history of character:

(From argent archives...)

Trooga was born as first child of a poor family, in Coldridge Valley. His father was one of Knights of Silver Hand and he had been his home very rarely. Life of Brazenbeard family have changed forever because of Scourge Attack in Northrend. While Trooga was 20 Trooga's father travelled to Northrend for help to The Alliance, but nobody haven't even heard a word from him ever after this day.

Trooga was 25. He was alone, He wasn't have any friend. He was reading history books his leisure times. And he started to interest to history. This interest attracted attention of Ironforge Guards and Trooga started to work in Ironforge Library as historian. His mother and little brother moved to the city, and It was looking like things are getting better. Unfortunately, bad days was awaiting him.

Trooga was 32, someday, he has awaken with a terrible roar: An earthquake was occuring in Ironforge. Shortly after, horrible elementals appeared all around in city. His mother was killed by one of these elementals. Trooga was never erase this moment from his memory. After invasion of Ironforge, Cataclysm occured on Azeroth. Trooga thought that Azeroth need real heroes again. His father battled on Battle of Wrathgate, and he decided to battle aganist Twilight's Hammer and defeat Deathwing. He packed his gears and his journey began for being a strong paladin -just like his father.

Trooga travelled to Stormwind City for Paladin Training. During his training, he met Garrid, one of officers of Aegis of the South, and joined to this guild. But after few months, he left because of some "conclusions".

After this bad experience, Trooga tried his chance on many guilds but every guilds was telling same reply: "Not strong enough to fight!". Trooga was depressed and started to drinking heavily, He paid all of his money to alcohol until he get stony-broke. He was drinking all day and night at Blue Reclusive-A bar in Stormwind at Mage Quarter.

Many years passed and Trooga became a penniless drunk, instead of a vengeful paladin. For paying his drinking costs, he started to gambling and finally he addicted to gambling. He found a loan shark for more money but Trooga didn't know this loan shark was leader of a dangerous gang. He sent his men to kill Trooga but young paladin barely escaped from death. Unfortunately, they were chasing him. He had three choice: He would escape until they give up, he would get stronger to defeat them or he would find some gold to pay his loan. But Trooga chose them all, because he had plan...

*Argent Archives profile link:
...will post soon

*Reason to join an illegal organisation:
Trooga need a quick "easy" money because of his debts. Also it looks like the Alliance is not interested to help this poor young paladin.

- Personal Information -

*Motivation of joining the Undermarket; what do you think to learn/experience with us
I never tried a criminal rp guild before. I think the Undermarket will be a good experience for me.

*Years of roleplaying experience and how?

Eight months. I was in a military guild for about 5 months. Also I'm in a pack guild at my worgen.


Location:Istanbul, Turkey

*Average time and days of being online: Evenings at weekdays and every hour at weekends.

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