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The Undermarket

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Application: 'Misfortune'.

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1Application: 'Misfortune'. Empty Application: 'Misfortune'. Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:27 am


- Character Information -

*In-Game Name:

*"Real" Character Name:
Avaria de Welle

Used name:

'Misfortune' - 'Doll'

*In-Game Age:
Looks 17-ish.

*In-Game Occupation:
Glorified thief, budding warlock.

*In-Game location of residence:
Gilded Rose, Trade District, Stormwind, Eastern Kingdoms, Azeroth, The Great Dark.

*(Brief) history of character:
Avaria has spent most of her teen life on the streets of Stormwind, cast from her otherwise stable home when her mother was rather inelegantly 'excised' from the community, under charges of witchcraft. Leading a dangerous and poor life, it changed when a generous passerby took pity on the girl, and hoisted her from the streets upon noting the same fel residue about her that once doomed her mother. Avaria - or Misfortune, as she was belligerently called by other street kids - begun a life of luxury at other people's expense as she was initiated into controlling 'the voices' and 'the energies'. She has very little idea about how to be a warlock, of course, and her attempts at magic still normally backfire.

*Argent Archives profile link: (if none set "None" - make one and replace the "None" to the actual link)
Node 84492 (It won't allow me to hotlink it.)

*Reason to join an illegal organisation:
Avaria has grown greedy enough to try and maintain her lifestyle, as well as ambitious enough to demand more. She is no longer content with liberating pockets of coin, even if she still does so for wager. Her attempts at getting rich quickly grow ever more daring, and the need to outsource has arrived.

- Personal Information -

*Motivation of joining the Undermarket; what do you think to learn/experience with us?
I hope to be part of what I perceive as an interesting crime-based community. I could write plenty here, but I imagine you've heard it all before. In the end, all I wish for is interesting and good roleplay.

*Years of roleplaying experience and how?
I've been roleplaying since I was ten, in various mediums, ranging from pen and paper roleplay, LARP, and WoW (since release, no less!). You name it, I have done it.



*Average time and days of being online:
Afternoon-Evening-Nights. Less likely to be around weekends, especially not every weekend.

2Application: 'Misfortune'. Empty Re: Application: 'Misfortune'. Wed Sep 07, 2011 3:49 pm


The Boss
The Boss

Beautiful, i'm getting in touch with you - so we can discuss how you would fit in. As a scammer or a merchant of demonic stuff or something entirely different!

- Dyrack.

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