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1Application Empty Application Sat Jun 04, 2011 7:27 am



In-Game name: Renfer

IC name: Renfer Lightward ("Ren" for the creative nickname zest!)

IC age: 31

IC Occupation: Blacksmith

IC Residence Location: Currently? Thelsamar, Loch Modan

"Breif History": Oh god...Erm...I'll try and shorten this up...wait I'm using text...nevermind.. Renfer grew up in Gilneas City, His father owned a small backstreet smithy, And died when Renfer was twenty of fever, Renfer took over the smithy and made if fairly sucessful until the whole Worgen invasion, Now he is poor and if confined to living off Dwarven Ale and Dwarven Forge, And he's not happy over that.

AA profile: Under Application.

Reason for joining: Renfer is in general sick of Stormwindian Law and enforcement, after all they stopped him opening his new smithy! He just wants to make a living doing what he likes, If Illegal so be it.

My Motivation: It excites me, I guess, its nice to see some Criminal RP is still out there and living.

Roleplay experience: Three Years of WAR (Warhammer Online, Don't you judge me!) RP, and just a single year of WoW RP, I was in a small RP guild, so kind of sanctum for RP in a dead game, and enjoyed it, It was my journey from loler to True RPer, and I moved to WoW when the guild went up in flames after a personal incident between me and the leader.

Age: I'll trust you, But if men in scary hats drag me away, I know where you form is to troll you about it! I'm 16.

Location: England, Merseyside *Proud, Slightly smug face*

Average time played: I can be online every weekend and evening's everyday, School and such as you do.

2Application Empty Re: Application Sat Jun 04, 2011 7:38 am



Welcome to the forum!

I will be contacting you in game.


3Application Empty Re: Application Sat Jun 04, 2011 9:42 am


The Boss
The Boss

Ashkaar wrote:Welcome to the forum!

I will be contacting you in game.


Apologies for me leaving, have some problems in-real life.

How is he? Already in? Wink

Edit: After the littlest bit of effort I actually should've made before I posted - Welcome Renfer!

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