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Application: Shannie

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1Application: Shannie Empty Application: Shannie Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:16 am


- Character Information -

*In-Game Name:

*"Real" Character Name:
Shannie Kim the Black Cat, the Shrew

Used name:
Shannie, or Kim… (No one calls me Kim).

Shann, Kimmy, Cat, Kim, Girl.

*In-Game Age:
Early Twenties (Human years).
Due to her perennial life in the streets, she has had difficulty figuring out how old she is. However, she has made a rough guess thanks to the estimation of created at the orphanage.

*In-Game Occuptation:
In Chronological Order:
Beggar, Pick Pocket, Drug Trades-woman, Thug, middle man, Unemployed, Beggar, Amateur crafter, Drug trades-woman, Black market dealer.
Overall, one can consider her a Jack of all trades (Well…at least what she’s good at…)

*In-Game location of residence:
Wherever business takes her, however, she doesn’t like to travel, and stays around her “comfort zone”, known as the nice was Stormwind Streets.

*(Brief) history of character:

Very difficult to make brief, so this is unfortunately very general.

Shannie has lived in the streets as far back as she remember, and although she doesn’t quite know who her family is, where she was born, or even her age, she constantly emits a friendly, yet sometimes ill-behaved attitude.
She has been in and out of prison for various felonies such as theft, black market dealings and self defense, swinging between extreme poverty and relatively comfortable living conditions. Nevertheless, or perhaps because of this, she tries to stay out of trouble…for it usually comes to her.
She feels somewhat uncomfortable around worgen (See section “Duskwood, the Unfortunate Event” on MRP) but has gradually gotten more relaxed around them.
Shannie’s economic difficulties appear to have settled for the moment, thanks to an unlikely caretaker...

*Argent Archives profile link: (if none set "None" - make one and replace the "None" to the actual link)

*Reason to join an illegal organization:
Shannie’s life motto is to become a strong, independent woman though “Good, honest business”. People who are born with money are cheaters and have an unfair advantage. Though theft and haggling she can feel proud to be called a self-made lady!

- Personal Information -

This particular guild seems more attractive due to the fact that Shannie is not a killer, and does not due so unless desperately necessary. She is a negotiator, a business woman, and her life on the streets has made her quite street smart.

Furtermore, Icly, the few characters I’ve seen in this guild seem like high class Rpers. They seem realistic and consistent. (Along with the given that they have good spelling and all that.)

*Years of roleplaying experience and how?
About…I’d say two and a half? Perhaps three. However, the first few days of learning the various rules I immediately got the hang of it. As a writer, emotes, clever IC phrases and proper spelling comes naturally. I even tend to punctuate my phrases OOC as a habbit. (Humble…isn’t she…? It’s an interview!!! I can’t afford to be Humble!)
A small note that I guess I can put here. I suffer from a bit of dyslexia, so I can’t spell to save my life…but I try pretty hard. I’ll have you know that this was all written on word and there will still be mistakes, I guarantee it.


Italy, Florence

*Average time and days of being online:
Mostly every day. Since I am taking a few months off before starting College in January, I will be free…allot of the time. However, I do tend to not be online for long periods at a time due to trips, vacations, or just a break from it all. I have also applied for a job, and if I get a reply, I’m afraid my time on WoW will be more limited.

Hope I've covered everything that was required Smile
Thank you.

2Application: Shannie Empty Re: Application: Shannie Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:38 am


The Boss
The Boss

Great, getting in touch with you when others have read it as well!

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