The Undermarket
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Application - Kelar

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1Application - Kelar Empty Application - Kelar Sat Sep 24, 2011 4:27 am


*In-Game Name:

*"Real" In-Game Name:
Kelar Ashmane

Used name:

The Gangrelian Author

*In-Game Age:

*In-Game Occuptation:
Author, Teacher, Traveler.

*In-Game location of residence:
Kelar travels around all of Azeroth most of the time, settled down in The old town / stormwind for now.

*(Brief) history of character:
Kelar was born within Gilneas "safe" walls, where he studied from an early age, in ways of magic, when the wall fell he started traveling Azeroth, while writeing and gathering books, he have been living of the profits from his books and have achieved great knowledge within the realm of magic. Even tho he is only 28 he have also become a good tradesman with contacts deep within the horde, that can give him nearly everything he could be interested in, includeing exotic and rare pets.

*Argent Archives profile link: (if none set "None" - make one and replace the "None" to the actual link)
None, yet... just Faction changed today

*Reason to join an illegal organisation:
He like gold, and he likes putting his contacts from the horde into usage and gain profit.

- Personal Information -

*Motivation of joining the Undermarket; what do you think to learn/experience with us?
Well, never tried alot of criminal RP, and i've been seeking a "tradesmen" guild for quite awhile.

*Years of roleplaying experience and how?
I have been roleplaying for 9 years all in all... everything from PnP, Larp, WoD, Online, Text rp'ing, and alot more.
Even went to the worlds only Roleplaying school Very Happy



*Average time and days of being online:
I can be online nearly everyday and be active most of the time except when im in school or have to raid which is sundays and tuesdays.

2Application - Kelar Empty Re: Application - Kelar Mon Sep 26, 2011 1:03 am


The Boss
The Boss

I'll get in touch! Most likely tomorrow in the afternoon!

- Dyrack,

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