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Application : Inariae

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1Application : Inariae Empty Application : Inariae Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:44 am


- Character Information -

Application : Inariae InariaebannerScreenshot_75%20copy

*In-Game Name:

*"Real" Character Name:
Inariae Imperiosa

In-Game Age:
Somewhere between 25-30. Inariae doesn't know ICly

In-Game Occuptation:
Slave Trader

In-Game location of residence:
No permanent residence. Mostly travelling with regards to her occupation.

(Brief) history of character:

This will be very brief, as I find myself averse to meta-gaming. Inariae Imperiosa is of Lordearon noble descendance. The Imperiosa family was a large and rather wealthy noble house before the Orcish invasion and all subsequent wars. Her family originally being from Lordearon, most of them are dead or missing. Her family at the time, attempted to escape the Scourge onslaught by sea, but unfortunately their ship sunk, and as far as Inariae knows, only she and her sister have survived the shipwreck. She is rather bitter of her family's demise.

While growing up, she came into contact with servants of the Legion, and she was trained in the arts of a warlock. For a while, she served them as a slave handler, before deciding that she would work for herself. She now accepts comissions from a select circle of clients with special interests, or she simply captures and sells her victims to the highest bidder.

Inariae is indeed of noble heritage, but she considers it nothing more but a tool for better business. She is a cruel and cold person, used to living in the darkest nooks and corners of society.

Argent Archives profile link:
Argent Archives Profile

Reason to join an illegal organisation:
Slave trading is not the most accepted of professions. By joining the Undermarket, she hopes to find support in her business, and perhaps even some clients.

- Personal Information -

Motivation of joining the Undermarket; what do you think to learn/experience with us?

I hope to find a guild of people that are just as interested in me as simulating a black market environment, dealing in illegal wares and such. But also ofcourse just a bunch of fun and cozy people. Inariae's occupation is one not often chosen, and I do hope that it will lead to interesting and unique roleplay.

Years of roleplaying experience and how?

I have roleplayed on Argent dawn since the launch of WoW six years ago. Inariae is a character that is just as old as the very server and game itself. She is a developed character, and the snapshot of her history above is very, very brief compared to her actuall history.



Average time and days of being online: Every day during the evenings at least. Often much more.

2Application : Inariae Empty Re: Application : Inariae Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:41 pm


The Boss
The Boss

For now Inariae has decided to keep herself from getting in a guild and getting more involved in end-game raiding. For now; topic locked.

- Dyrack

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