The Undermarket
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The Undermarket

The Super Secret Message Board of the Glorious Updock Inc.

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1  Application:Eriat Empty Application:Eriat Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:08 am


*In-Game Name:

*"Real" In-Game Name:
Alexandr Fedorov
"Fox" "Farmer"
*In-Game Age:
37 / Old
*In-Game Occuptation:
thief,napper,illegal trade.
*In-Game location of residence:
*(Brief) history of character:
Eriat,was born in Stormwind.His parents were tailors and had a shop.Now they live in Dalaran.When he was 20 he met with some Flint Marco.Came into bad company.Began to rob people.Over time,went to prison.Now his age is 37 and he is engaged is illegal tradeing.
- Personal Information -

Motivation of joining the Undermarket; what do you think to learn/experience with us?
I had 4 RP charcaters(All crime)
I believe he would fit well in a a less than legitimate, but not downright evil trade organization,
and the Undermarket seems perfect for that:)
Years of roleplaying experience and how?
3 years.
Monday-Friday for 20:00
Weekends:all day.

2  Application:Eriat Empty Re: Application:Eriat Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:45 am


Eriat wrote:
I believe he would fit well in a a less than legitimate, but not downright evil trade organization,
and the Undermarket seems perfect for that:)

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post in application forums, but, erhm... Didn't I just say that? Well, at least you remembered to change the "she" to "he".

3  Application:Eriat Empty Re: Application:Eriat Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:22 pm


No.It's really wrote I.

4  Application:Eriat Empty Re: Application:Eriat Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:24 pm


But I read your application after I wrote it.

5  Application:Eriat Empty Re: Application:Eriat Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:18 pm



Your application leads me to believe that you're the same person who applied as "Rowland" a few days back. I'll reject this application on the same basis as the previous. Your English does not live up to the standards we require as a minimun.

Good luck with your future RP on Argent Dawn.

6  Application:Eriat Empty Re: Application:Eriat Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:35 pm


I'm not Rowland...
Why you declined my applilication?

7  Application:Eriat Empty Re: Application:Eriat Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:21 pm


The Boss
The Boss

Annely wrote:Your English does not live up to the standards we require as a minimun.

There is your reason. Good luck on your venture through the roleplaying of the Argent Dawn!

PS: A quick IP check of both accounts gave identical information, apart from the last four numbers of the IP address itself. Which tends me to believe that you are Rowland.

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