The Undermarket
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The Undermarket

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Application by Evadora

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1Application by Evadora Empty Application by Evadora Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:09 am


*In-Game Name:
Evadora (Eva)

*"Real" In-Game Name:
Evadora Moongazer

Used name:


*In-Game Age:
110 / Young Kaldorei

*In-Game Occuptation:
Thief of Stormwind

*In-Game location of residence:
Stormwind City, Old Barracks.

*(Brief) history of character:

Eva was born in what is now the Fel Woods. After the war she was orphaned and found Moonglade where she was raised by Druids and Priestesses. At that age discipline did not agree with Eva and she left, making her way to Ashenvale. For years she lived in the forests alone, occasionally visiting Astranaar to steal from the villagers and shop keepers.

One day Eva was spotted stealing by a member of the Moonrise Hermitage, the Kaldorei took Eva under her wing and taught her the meaning of honour and morality. Eva was introduced to a Druid Shan'do and taught the ways by a Kaldorei Ancient. When the war followed Eva to Astranaar she was enslaved by travelling merchants and sold to slavers. Tormented and tortured every day Eva soon forgot the meaning of honour and morality and found herself using her druid powers to slaughter the Brothel owners that were imprisoning her at the time.

Having escaped, Eva made her way to Stormwind where she had nothing. Soon the thieving started again and Eva found herself committing all sorts of crimes, at first for basic survival and eventually for enjoyment.

Presently Eva is living in the Old Barracks of Stormwind and had heard of a thieving guild called the undermarket who have sparked her interest.

*Reason to join an illegal organisation:
Eva prefers to work alone and keep all of her earning for herself. However her common sense tells her there are scams that can only be pulled of in groups and working with in a team of thieves will offer her much more opportunity.

- Personal Information -

*Motivation of joining the Undermarket; what do you think to learn/experience with us?
Simply to have fun and develop my character.

*Years of roleplaying experience and how?
I started roleplaying back in 2005/2006 and found I really enjoyed it. Eventually when I joined WoW in 2011 I realised there was a roleplay community here also and have been having fun since roleplaying with everyone on Argent Dawn.



*Average time and days of being online:
At least every other day, I would consider myself to be an active roleplayer.

2Application by Evadora Empty Re: Application by Evadora Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:21 pm



Hello Evadora. Thank you for taking your time to make an application. You'll be contacted ingame or an officer will get back to you shortly here on the forum.

- Paws

3Application by Evadora Empty Re: Application by Evadora Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:31 pm


The Boss
The Boss

I will give you a poke when I come online, thanks for the application!

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