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Application: Gemlick

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1Application: Gemlick Empty Application: Gemlick Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:11 am


*In-Game Name:

*"Real" In-Game Name:
Gemlik Drahbaln (Few people know his last name)

Used name:

"Gem" "Gemmy"

*In-Game Age:
Stop counting long time ago, such thing doesn't matter to him.

*In-Game Occuptation:
Freelance thief, traveler.

*In-Game location of residence:
Travelled around Eastern Kingdoms a lot, settled down in Stormwind for now.

*(Brief) history of character:
Has no memory of his childhood. His guess is that something horrible happened, and his mind is blocking it out and has been doing it for years. Never seen his parents or any kind of relatives. First day of the life he remembers started in the Elwynn Forest. He was awakened by the bartender, who was asking for Lord Garlon, the owner of the beautiful silk robes the bartender was holding in his hands. Gemlik leaned over his bed and glanced at the occupant of the next room. He saw a sleeping man, with a couple of young, well dressed, female assistants. The man didn't seem to hear the bartender, neither did the assistants, they were too busy chit chatting and what not. Gemlik realised that that man was in fact the lord.

He looked at his dirty hands and thorn clothes, jumped off the bed and cheerfully announced that he's Lord Garlon. Bartender suspiciously peered at him, but as no one else answered his call, he just assumed that this dirty dwarf is in fact a lord. Poor Sod got fired after the real Lord Garlon found out that his prized robes were gone along with the dwarf who was just there half an hour ago. Unluckily for Gemlik, lord also posted a "wanted" sign on him. The dwarf sold the silk robes to an untrustworthy bunch and was sold out to the lord within a blink of an eye.

The lord was well associated with the Stormwind nobles and was given a choice to either be executed or work as a Stormwind guard, until he pays off the debt for stealing. The money he got for selling the robe would have helped, but he decided to keep it hidden until something better than guard duty comes along. He worked for a long long time, but he finally payed off the debt and was given an offer to continue working as a guard. He was about to agree with the offer, when he heard about how the Defias Brotherhood, the great Stormwind's enemy, was actually created. As much of a scumbag he might have been, he would never backstab his own people... if he had any.

That's when got the money he has been keeping hidden for so long and set out on a journey around Easter Kingdoms, stealing and cheating in one parts, doing honest work to survive in others, until he finally ended back in Stormwind. But this time he wasn't here to serve the "higher power" again, no, this time he was here to create as much trouble as possible for them and get as rich as he can for his potential further journey's.

*Argent Archives profile link: (if none set "None" - make one and replace the "None" to the actual link)
None. Tried creating, but say's that there's no such character in the armory of Argent Dawn. I guess he's too fresh, gonna have to wait for this one.

*Reason to join an illegal organisation:
Only place in Stormwind he could feel at home.

- Personal Information -

*Motivation of joining the Undermarket; what do you think to learn/experience with us?
Well, never tried doing criminal RP, so I'm pretty excited about trying it out.

*Years of roleplaying experience and how?
I haven't really roleplayed for too long. Have been roleplaying with the Shadow Cult (Forsaken religious RP) on another RP realm for... half a year I suppose. But haven't been roleplaying for some time now, so I'm pretty rusty as you can see from my character background. So... yeah, treat me like a newbie.


Vilnius, Lithuania.

*Average time and days of being online:
I try to log on everyday. The time spent playing really depends... Sometimes I have a lot of work to do, sometimes I have loads of free time. Sounds logical, right?

2Application: Gemlick Empty Re: Application: Gemlick Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:23 am


The Boss
The Boss

Alright! We've talked already, together we're going to figure out how we are going to fit you in!

See you in a bit!

- Dyrack

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