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The Undermarket

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Application: Kaíden

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1Application: Kaíden Empty Application: Kaíden Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:39 pm


- Character Information -

*In-Game Name: Kaíden

*"Real" Character Name: Kaíden Tyrannus

Used name: Kaíden Tyrannus

Nickname(s): Kaí.

*In-Game Age: 25

*In-Game Occuptation: None.

*In-Game location of residence: Sleeps in inns wherever he is.

*(Brief) history of character: Born and raised in/around Stormwind, grew up on the streets, therefore learning how to survive rough and fight on the streets. (Brief enough?)

*Argent Archives profile link: None.

*Reason to join an illegal organisation: Money, of course.

- Personal Information -

*Motivation of joining the Undermarket; Tricks of the trades, and of course, make more money.

*Years of roleplaying experience and how? 3 or so, started off on a website, then lead into WoW.

Age: 15

Location: UK.

*Average time and days of being online: Whenever i feel like it, so alot of the time.

( I literally just whizzed through this.. )

2Application: Kaíden Empty Re: Application: Kaíden Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:44 pm


The Boss
The Boss

A bit too brief! Please include some more information! The question "Motivation of joining the Undermarket" is directed to the player, not to the character.

- Dyrack.

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