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Application:by Rowland

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1Application:by Rowland Empty Application:by Rowland Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:51 am


Hello all!I really wanna join "Undermarket". Cool
- Character Information -
In-Game Name:
"Real" Character Name:
Rowland Adam.
Used name:
Alexandr Fedorov
*In-Game Age:
*In-Game Occuptation:
Builder,thief, leader of an illegal trading organisation,stealing people, helping other criminals,kiddnaping.

*In-Game location of residence:
Stormwind City.
Rowland,27 years old,his parents killed Stormwind guards.Hard childhood train him.His father been owner of small bakery "Fat Pat".Now he is not poor and if confined to living off Old town.
Reason for joining:My character has always been into that kind,I love it.
- Personal Information -
*Motivation of joining the Undermarket; what do you think to learn/experience with us?
I wanna train my RP with that guild.I'm not bad RPer.
*Years of roleplaying experience and how?
3 years.
*Average time and days of being online:
Mostly every day, but I go school, so depends, on school mostly I'll be on at 20;00.I will AFK for this Sunday because I will visit London(arrive random)
Don't kick me if I join guild.

2Application:by Rowland Empty Re: Application:by Rowland Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:53 pm


The Boss
The Boss

Unfortunately I have to inform you that I do not think that you are what this guild is looking for, we are aiming for an above-average knowledge of the English language and I do not think you are qualified to that.

Unless other officers think otherwise, I am denying your application.

Much fun with roleplaying in the future and once more my apologies.

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