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Application: Gíacomo.

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1Application: Gíacomo. Empty Application: Gíacomo. Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:24 am


*In-Game Name: Gíacomo

*"Real" Character Name: Gíacomo DiMaggio

Used name: Gíacomo

Nickname: Gigi

*In-Game Age: 32

*In-Game Occuptation: Unemployed gangster.

*In-Game location of residence: Previously Boralus, Kul Tiras, a room at The Gilded Rose at the moment.

*history of character: Gigi was born into a working class family in Kul Tiras. At a young age, he got an apprenticeship as a cook at a local greasy spoon, but, being a wild child, he spent most nights with his friends getting into fights and stealing. At age 19, months short of becoming a journeyman, he was caught during a break-in and sentenced to several years in prison. During this time, Daelin Proudmoore was preparing for his failed expedition to Kalimdor, and, when given the opportunity to serve in the army rather than serve his sentence, Gigi didn’t think twice about it. After the crushing defeat of the expedition, a wounded Gigi returned to Kul Tiras. Having never finished his education, Gigi instead hooked up with his old friends, by now accomplished career-criminals, and turned to crime full-time, selling drugs and robbing the rich merchant ships and warehouses in the harbor. After almost a decade of living the good life, a drunken argument resulted in the death of the boss’s kid brother at the hands of Gigi, and he knew he had to get out of dodge quick.
So now Gigi is fresh off the boat in Stormwind, with nothing but a bag of clothes and a purse of gold coins to his name.

*Argent Archives profile link: None, making one now.

*Reason to join an illegal organisation: Gigi has been in this line of work for quite some time now. He likes the lifestyle and the power and money it brings, and he doesn’t have any qualms about doing nasty things to get there.

- Personal Information -

*Motivation of joining the Undermarket; what do you think to learn/experience with us?
Crime RP has always been my favourite genre of roleplay. I’ve been away from the game for a while, and I’m looking forward to a lot of fun and quality roleplaying, which I think I could get from joining The Undermarket.

*Years of roleplaying experience and how? I started playing Wow when it first launched, and switched to a roleplaying server after about half a year. I’ve been roleplaying since then, although I’ve taken several breaks from the game. I’ve mostly been in crime guilds on Argent Dawn and on Steamwheedle Cartel, where I was a leading officer in a guild called “The Lesedi Syndicate” for a while. It’s been almost a year since I last played, and I’m eager to get started again.

Age: 18

Location: Denmark

*Average time and days of being online: Most nights for the remainder of the vacation, probably only a few nights a week when school starts again.

2Application: Gíacomo. Empty Re: Application: Gíacomo. Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:50 am


The Boss
The Boss

My apologies for my late response, we had in-game contact briefly;

As I said, turn level 15 first - you're on my friendlist so the instant you turn level 15 i'll get after you.

- Dyrack

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