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The Undermarket

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Double application: Gielle Woodsong & Varot the Deluder

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Gielle Woodsong

- Character Information -

In-Game Name:

"Real" Character Name:
Gielle Woodsong

Used name, Nickname(s):

In-Game Age:
Young adult.

In-Game Occuptation:
All-round criminal thug.

In-Game location of residence:
Stormwind (mostly).

(Brief) history of character:

(A somewhat longer and slightly more detailed history is available on the AA. Some of the information is outdated though.)

Gielle fled Kalimdor to escape persecution over murder. She quickly went on to become a member of the Legitimate Business Club since its very beginning, with whom she was involved in a number of criminal plots. However, the loss of many close friends and the development of a peacebloom addiction drove her less than sane, though admittably there wasn’t much sanity to be found beforehand. In absense of an acceptable replacement of the LBC, she became somewhat of a loose cannon on the drift and has been looking for a new home ever since.

Argent Archives profile link: (if none set "None" - make one and replace the "None" to the actual link)

Reason to join an illegal organisation:

Gielle feels very much at home in the criminal underground. By nature she is attracted by crime and enjoys a wide range of related activities, such as illicit trade, theft and burglary, abduction, torture, arson and random acts of violence. Her behaviour could be characterised as ‘chaotic evil’. While unpredictable, she is a valuable asset for anyone who manages to win her loyalty, as she takes great pleasure in cruelty and violence and gladly assists the criminal activities of others.
*In-Game Name, "Real" Character Name, Used name:

Varot the Deluder

In-Game Age:
Aged and grey.

In-Game Occuptation:
Undertaker & black market alchemist.

In-Game location of residence:

(Brief) history of character:

On the surface, Varot is mostly unnotable character. By profession he is and has always been following in the footsteps of his forefathers as an undertaker. Due to the many wars plagueing Azeroth, this line of work has proven quite profitable. This has allowed Varot to somewhat distinguish himself from the common folks and tailor more to the needs of richer and nobler folk, whose circles he now frequents.

Unbeknowst to but a few people, Varot is also a lifelong student of alchemy in the far less than legal or moral domain. Without going into much detail, it suffices to say that the steady stream of fresh corpses from his profession as undertaker provides Varot with a large volume of test-subjects and ingredients.

In a recent past, Varot surrounded himself with a somewhat deranged group of thugs to do his biddings. The effort was all for naught as most of them died at the hand of an alchemist experiment gone wrong, blowing the thugs and their laboratory to smithereens in the process. At least, that is the ‘official’ explanation. Nowadays Varot’s illicit activities are constrained to providing underground alchemist services to those paying.

Argent Archives profile link: (if none set "None" - make one and replace the "None" to the actual link)

(The profile is mostly empty, what little info available is outdated.)

Reason to join an illegal organisation:

Without strong connections in the criminal world, Varot’s market for alchemist products are simply non-existant. Similarly, he often has needs of services which are outright impossible to find on a legal level. He is also willing to provide other services related to his profession as an undertaker, such as easily getting rid of dead bodies or even providing fresh ones for those who have a need for them. By way of frequenting higher social circles, he might also be a valuable informant, though he tends to be sparse in handing out any. Varot would consider all interaction with the Undermarket purely as business. By alignment, Varot is a lawful evil character.
- Personal Information -

Motivation of joining the Undermarket; what do you think to learn/experience with us?

I am strongly drawn towards criminal roleplay. I have been a longtime member of the Legitimate Business Club and long to relive the happy days with a well organised, active criminal community. I am convinced I can provide many enjoyable roleplay-experiences in this field.

Years of roleplaying experience and how?

I’ve been playing and roleplay on Argent Dawn since the autumn of 2005, the latest from the launch of Cataclysm until two days ago.


Ghent, Belgium

Average time and days of being online:

Hard to say. I used to be online a lot until 7 months ago, when I decided to spend some time away from WoW. Nowadays I run quite a busy life and am very chaotic by nature. My time left for online gaming varies greatly. Sometimes I will be online very actively for days on end, other times I might not show up for a week or longer. I am currently mostly looking for a guild where the aforementioned characters belong, so that I may dive right into the action on my casual trips to Azeroth. I take no offence if my erratic schedule proves to much of a problem for you to overcome.

Yours truly,
Gielle & Varot



Thanks for taking your time to write out this lovely application. Our officers will have a look, and get back to you shortly Smile



The Boss
The Boss

Greetings, Gielle and Varot.

Thanks for both your applications, I will be getting in touch with you both very soon - the application looks promising to say the least.

- Dyrack


The Boss
The Boss

Both can get in touch with me if they still would like to join, until then this topic is locked.

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