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Application: Enabeth Maverick

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1Application: Enabeth Maverick Empty Application: Enabeth Maverick Sat Jun 11, 2011 1:33 am


Hello all! Here is my application for the Undermatket. Sorry about the length; I hope you can make it through without falling asleep. Smile

- Character Information -

In-Game Name:

"Real" Character Name:
Enabeth Maverick

Used name:
Enabeth Varielus


*In-Game Age:

*In-Game Occuptation:
Negotiator, grifter, networker.

*In-Game location of residence:
Stormwind City

*(Brief) history of character:
Enabeth was born into the higher social circles of Stormwind. Her father was nothing less than a true scoundrel, who lied, deceived and blackmailed his way into the Stormwind elite. After her mother, the daugther of a wealthy merchant, died in childbirth, Enabeth's father took her under his wing and raised her to follow in his footsteps. Enabeth was trained to exploit her childish innocence to ask questions, listen to gossip and gather information for her father's schemes.

The pair worked very well together, and through a rather intricate plot Enabeth's father was eventually able to blackmail his way to a title of lower nobility. But he became careless with time and his numerous enemies at court banded together to bring him down. Enabeth was away at a country estate for her education as a young lady of the court when she heard about her father's arrest. Without her father as her guardian, she would be an easy target in the political quagmire of the Stormwind court, and so she decided to disappear.

She fled south and eventually made her way to Booty Bay. Here, the manners were less refined and the gossip less juicy than what she was used to, but she found that the skills her father taught her could be put to good use among pirates, extortionists and other honourable business men.

Nearly a decade later she finds herself back in Stormwind, ready to gain back what her father lost and not repeat his mistakes.

*Argent Archives profile link:

*Reason to join an illegal organisation:
Having been forced to lay low for seveal years,
Enabeth is now back in the city trying to establish a new network. She likes fast results and big profits, and has no qualms about they are obtained.

- Personal Information -

Motivation of joining the Undermarket; what do you think to learn/experience with us?
I have previously focused very much on daily life/family RP, and I want to try something different.
Enabeth is a new kind of character that I haven't played before, but one that I think will be a lot of fun.
I believe she would fit well in a a less than legitimate, but not downright evil trade organization,
and the Undermarket seems perfect for that.

Years of roleplaying experience and how?
I used to roleplay quite a lot in WoW, but I have not RP'ed regularly for a little over two years. I also have
a bit of experience with LARP and an IRC based World of Darkness game. I would say that I am an experienced, but rusty
roleplayer, and it might take be a couple of days to really get back into the workings of things.

*Average time and days of being online:
With a ten week long summer break coming up, I will probably be online 4-7 nights per week, usually from around 8pm until I realize the sun has risen
and it's time to go to bed.

2Application: Enabeth Maverick Empty Re: Application: Enabeth Maverick Sat Jun 11, 2011 2:37 am



Hello and welcome to the Undermarket forums.
You will most likely be contacted by Annely or Dyrack in-game, seeing that I am absent at the moment.

Good luck and thanks for the application! Smile


3Application: Enabeth Maverick Empty Re: Application: Enabeth Maverick Sat Jun 11, 2011 4:37 am


The Boss
The Boss

As Ashkaar said I will be contacting you if you are online this evening. Thanks for the application, it looks wonderful and i'm sure you'll fit in!

4Application: Enabeth Maverick Empty Re: Application: Enabeth Maverick Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:07 am


The Boss
The Boss

Bam! She's in, welcome Enabeth!

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