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Dyrack AFK

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1Dyrack AFK Empty Dyrack AFK Fri Jun 17, 2011 1:35 am


The Boss
The Boss

Heya folks,

I won't be online today and tomorrow(night) because of real-life circumstances. (perhaps around 00.00 / 01.00 though. For Saturday i'm doing my best to be online around 12 - 18, but will also be occupied during from 18.00 to around 01.00.)

If there are problems, reach me via email (that is or get in touch with other officers; Gardaz is an invisible officer - also known as Thadner's new character that has yet to get fully introduced into the guild - if he's online and you have a problem, you can tell him and he will give me a call. Just say the magic words: "CALL DYRACK, YOU SUSPECT OF VEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER" and you'll be helped.


- Dyrack.

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