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[Guild Issue] - Dyrack as a whiner.

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1[Guild Issue] - Dyrack as a whiner. Empty [Guild Issue] - Dyrack as a whiner. Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:42 pm


The Boss
The Boss

Alright, i'm going to be honest here and explain a few of my thoughts:

I am currently at a point that I irritate myself much more then I enjoy roleplay, this is partially the pressure of being a Guild Leader and partially something you all can help me with.

The things that annoy me most is that whenever I come online, I get bitched at for not doing what everyone wants, I have to pressure people to get events done - so far I had three events completely removed because people didn't respond in time or just didn't do anything. I have been busy with my Stormwind Criminals Project for over four weeks now, I got directed into the wrong direction both ICly as well OOCly (I was told to contact someone that didn't even excist - took me two weeks before I heard that, since the character did exist on the Armory), followed by someone not getting online for those two weeks - now I finally got in touch with the right person, but due to IC reasons this got chased away. Which is partially my fault - because I should've told that to you all - and I was under the impression I did that.

Another example; I think there is something wrong with the recognition of authority, I think people should - especially when in public! - listen to me. This doesn't mean that I want you all to change your character, I just want to show off that i'm the 'Boss' ICly. Beating me up, threatening me, ignoring my 'commands' (for the lack of better words) or complaining what I do don't show this off.

Complaining about me behind my back is something I would not care about and prefer it over what happens now.

It seems everyone is forgetting ICly that I am running an organization that deals in illegal wares and has contacts with mercenaries and makes deals with killers, pirates and other scum.

Besides this I am struggling to keep the guild active, I am trying to improve it with events. The flow of new members is low, the Stormwind City Watch is on a break and this also makes our recruiting harder - many of the criminals want consequences.

Behind the scenes I am really busy with events, project and what not - I am asking you all to find things to amuse yourself when i'm not there - also, suppliers; get goods. Thieves; rob people. Enforcers; Help them out. I am doing my best, but I can't do everything.

Basically what i'm saying is that all of this adds up and makes me having doubts about getting online, I don't feel like anything I do matters how hard i'm trying. I'm trying to be more online and RP more - but I sometimes just can't find out why - because the more i'm online, the more shit I get over me.

So to get my enjoyment in roleplaying as Dyrack back I am asking all of you to do this:

- Please, respect Dyrack ICly, don't go around beating me and just listen (to logical stuff, of course you don't need to jump off a cliff if I say so, but when I ask to get people away - try that, and don't discuss whether or not I am a capable leader on that moment) - complain about it behind my back and do your job. Being turned down and people threatening me/questioning my actions IN PUBLIC is something that is humiliating ICly and also showing a bad side of us to the public.

- We're a criminal organization and a trading guild - behave as such, you can get materials, possible buyers or sellers, (GHI) items and so forth.

- Know that I am doing a lot for the guild, currently I don't feel like anything what I do matters.

This is going to change during the time:

- I am making a more of a difference between the leaders and the others - which basically means that I am fully in charge and will be 'punishing' for unacceptable behavior - I hope people will accept this both on terms of a better guild and will not leave ICly due to this, this is to improve the guild and make it slightly more realistic and working.
This means that I am currently going to think of 'relocating' the officers to a still officer like function (recruitment) but making a border between Dyrack (the Boss) and the employees (Officers and other members) - this to avoid discussions in public.

- I will be ICly paying more and will be handing out bonuses in the form of a percentage of a succeeded deal - I hope this will encourage your characters to get more involved and doing their jobs 'better'.

- I will try to be more online and think of more things to do, like regular recruitment drives - to get more members and show more activity.

I hope people will respect my decisions and start acknowledging Dyrack as a leader - and not someone you can threaten or beat up.

These solutions will hopefully improve my liking of Dyrack, please understand my frustration.

- Dyrack


Link to Stormwind Criminals Project - READ - :


Just had contact with one guild leader, (s)he told me that all of his/her guildmembers think we're great OOCly and really respect our ways. But ICly they can't help but think we're an un-organized bunch of amateurs. Is this what we want others to think of us? I don't - and I want to make clear that other options would be the removal because of IC things, and I don't want that - but perhaps it would make the guild more of what I wanted in the first place.. please get me off these thoughts and help out.

2[Guild Issue] - Dyrack as a whiner. Empty Re: [Guild Issue] - Dyrack as a whiner. Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:53 am



I haven't been around much myself, but I can definately both identify myself as a character who does not show proper respect. And in your current troubles. Honestly I think it's a step in the right direction to ICly strike down on disrespect, hard. We might be an organisation, but we're also working on the wrong side of the law, if The Old Man lets himself be pushed around, there'll be less and less respect. But if he pushes back, or haves someone push back. People will get in line again. Respect is earned, not just given for a fancy title.

One thing I'd suggest being looked into, is a more strict organisation ICly, with clearer areas of responsibility for the different roles. Enforces you say help the others. What I've understood is that they are responsible for the safety of you and the officers. Delegate responsibility a bit, order a thief to arrange for a spree of robberies, tell a supplier to get in contact with this or that guild to arrange for these goods to get into our hands. Send out an enforcer to deal with a troublesome individual. Let them take the initiative to make something out of it, bringing others. You'll burn yourself out doing all the work yourself, trust me, I know.

You've got officers too, let them do some of the work getting into contact with the RP society.

Set up forums for discussing events what'll happen, where suggestions can be posted, and use them. I know atleast one event that was borked by you not being able to make it, and noone else knew anything about more exactly where, or even what was supposed to happen.

Once again, DO NOT push yourself too hard to make things happen, people will expect you to do all the work, and it'll be a downwards spiral leading to you getting burned out. I understand the wish to improve the guild, but that can't only come from the top, it's the responsibility of ALL of us.

3[Guild Issue] - Dyrack as a whiner. Empty Re: [Guild Issue] - Dyrack as a whiner. Fri Jun 10, 2011 5:00 am


The Boss
The Boss

Crude wrote:I haven't been around much myself, but I can definately both identify myself as a character who does not show proper respect. And in your current troubles. Honestly I think it's a step in the right direction to ICly strike down on disrespect, hard. We might be an organisation, but we're also working on the wrong side of the law, if The Old Man lets himself be pushed around, there'll be less and less respect. But if he pushes back, or haves someone push back. People will get in line again. Respect is earned, not just given for a fancy title.

One thing I'd suggest being looked into, is a more strict organisation ICly, with clearer areas of responsibility for the different roles. Enforces you say help the others. What I've understood is that they are responsible for the safety of you and the officers. Delegate responsibility a bit, order a thief to arrange for a spree of robberies, tell a supplier to get in contact with this or that guild to arrange for these goods to get into our hands. Send out an enforcer to deal with a troublesome individual. Let them take the initiative to make something out of it, bringing others. You'll burn yourself out doing all the work yourself, trust me, I know.

You've got officers too, let them do some of the work getting into contact with the RP society.

Set up forums for discussing events what'll happen, where suggestions can be posted, and use them. I know atleast one event that was borked by you not being able to make it, and noone else knew anything about more exactly where, or even what was supposed to happen.

Once again, DO NOT push yourself too hard to make things happen, people will expect you to do all the work, and it'll be a downwards spiral leading to you getting burned out. I understand the wish to improve the guild, but that can't only come from the top, it's the responsibility of ALL of us.

Problem with 'striking' down is that people will choose to leave the organisation, and that's something I'd rather avoid.

With what do I need to strike down at all, actually? I have nothing to do so. Wink

4[Guild Issue] - Dyrack as a whiner. Empty Re: [Guild Issue] - Dyrack as a whiner. Fri Jun 10, 2011 5:11 am



If they'll leave for being put in their place when they act out like that. It's no big loss. It's not just the amount of members, but having the right people too. I understand what you mean, but we're not talking severe beatings, a punch in the face will suffice for most disrespect!
And you do have a whole organisation to strike down with Wink You do pay people, if someone gets violent, tell the rest to remove him or her.

5[Guild Issue] - Dyrack as a whiner. Empty Re: [Guild Issue] - Dyrack as a whiner. Fri Jun 10, 2011 5:17 am


The Boss
The Boss

Will do! As for the officer positions, I think I will change that a bit to a IC recruiting only position, officers will OOCly still have their usual vote / saying. This to save trouble from IC perspectives and giving Dyrack the reins back entirely.

Unless people disagree, for that they may contact me personally. Smile

6[Guild Issue] - Dyrack as a whiner. Empty Re: [Guild Issue] - Dyrack as a whiner. Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:47 am



I can understand what you feel. I have been a guild leader myself and I have also disbanded that guild when the pressure on me got too big. It was back in the days though, I was new to WoW and did not want the kind of responsibility the guild-leading businnes gave me.
I do respect you Dyrack for doing a great job. It's not all up to you to get something going. You can't alone run a guild, and you can't control peoples absence and behavior alone. You're doing a great job doing what you are doing, I wan't you to know that! And I am sorry to read that it has become such a big hassle for you and I wish with my whole heart that I had more time to help the Undermarket more, but I am restricted due to OOC reasons.

However, I feel kinda pointed out here because I think I am the only one here that has "beaten you up"? That happening really has nothing to do with OOC lack of respect, I hope you know that. I think you a great person Dyrack.

You do however ask OOC'ly for IC respect, and I am sorry - I can't do that. Your character sold my characters girl to another member of the guild for sexual services. That is in Ashkaar's eye a MASSIVE lack of respect towards two of Dyrack's own officers; Paws, and Ashkaar. You ask for IC respect? Dyrack need to earn it, and he did NOT do so in Ashkaar's eyes and I will not change that because you ask me to. But in saying that, I did not expect my actions to go unpunished. I know that you at the time after Ashkaar punshed you looked for the Watch to arrest me, and I think that wold have been good, sadly no one was online to do so.

I was also prepared to be kicked from the guild. But my character and his behavior is very important to me, and I can't change that. I love ya all a whole lot, I have come to really, REALLY enjoy the Undermarket, but I can't change Ash. And I am sorry to hear this bothered you OOC'ly, cause that was never the intention.

Last I would like to say that if you would choose to demote me due to lack of online time (or for beating you up Razz), I would understand that. I can't promise that Ashkaar will stay, but that's roleplay and I rather not discuss this OOC. But I think you need to remember that you have to do what is best for the guild. You need the right people, the right spirit and most of all, active members.

I would also want to remind you about something else. The Undermarket is a very new organisation. It takes a long time to gain respect! Some might think us nabs in the matter; but in half a year when we are still around and have caused enough havoc in the underword, would they still think the same? You have chosen a profession which I personally would classify as the hardest one to gain respect within. Give it time! Get the right people, get your name known, the guildname known! PLENTY of guilds has given this underworld businnes a shot and failed before, and if we want to show that we are better, we need to keep going!

Stay strong Dyrack, you're a great roleplayer and person.

-Ash / Maja

7[Guild Issue] - Dyrack as a whiner. Empty Re: [Guild Issue] - Dyrack as a whiner. Sun Jun 12, 2011 3:37 am



Boss, we've been over this extensively already, so you know where I stand Smile Which is - behind you, in keeping this guild running!

Listen to Crude & Ash, they both have excellent points! The Swedish are wise.. *nods*

8[Guild Issue] - Dyrack as a whiner. Empty Re: [Guild Issue] - Dyrack as a whiner. Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:46 am


The Boss
The Boss

Wise is a big term, Annely. Razz

No, thanks for the -postive- responses! I'm surely going to do something with it, I also realized that sometimes things are unavoidable if you want have a good roleplaying guild/character - sometimes you have to let things go in order to let it go well/better. (:

For now we're just going on with the same people and we'll see how this will develop over time!

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