The Undermarket
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The Undermarket

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Timothy Bredwell

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1Timothy Bredwell Empty Timothy Bredwell Wed Oct 05, 2011 2:52 am


Character Information -

*In-Game Name:

*"Real" Character Name:

Used name:
Timothy Bredwell


*In-Game Age:
Early twenties.

*In-Game Occuptation:

*In-Game location of residence:
Old town district.

*(Brief) history of character:
Born in Gilneas City Bredwell grew up in a sheltered enviroment as the youngest son of a merchant. All this changed for him when the Cataclysm hit Gilneas fleeing for his life he ended up in Stormwind with only the clothes on his back. He started to cook using cheap ingredients as rats, cats etcetera. Selling those as legitimate and even medicinal dishes.

*Reason to join an illegal organisation:
People do not agree with his choice of ingredients, he wish to make a maximum profit with the cheapest ingredients. A illegal organisaton would be less likely to have a problem with this.

- Personal Information -

*Motivation of joining the Undermarket; what do you think to learn/experience with us?
I see the Undermarket as a good Opportunity to improve my Roleplaying skills and it seems to be a interesting concept.

*Years of roleplaying experience and how?
One and a half years, I was in a few guild with different characters soem of these guild has disbanded others did not fit my character anymore.


The Netherlands

*Average time and days of being online:
I can not promise i will be online on a daily basis, i wil try to attend as much as possible events though.

Extra information:

I realize my grasp of the English language is not flawless i do seek to better it every day though. I hope i will get a chance to prove myself.

2Timothy Bredwell Empty Re: Timothy Bredwell Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:55 am


The Boss
The Boss

Great! Don't worry about the language barrier, from what I have seen (now) it isn't a huge problem. As long people can understand what you mean you can always blame it on a dialect, like I do with Dyrack. ( ;

I'll get in touch! Added you to my friendlist.

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