The Undermarket
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The Undermarket

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1Holidates. Empty Holidates. Tue Jul 05, 2011 1:48 pm


The Boss
The Boss

Yes! You! If you're going on a vacation please announce that here;

I'll be gone to 'Bospop' (rock-festival, three days) from this friday (8th of July) until monday in the early hours (11th of July), then I will be gone to Austria from tuesdayafternoon (12th of July) until wednes- or thursday (20th or 21st of July) - although I may have internets there, this won't be much or good - but I might pop online once (or zillion times if the interwebs is great) to get in touch and so forth.

Likely once more from the 7th of August until the 13th of August - helping out as semi-volunteer on a youth-activities-week.

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