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A Crude Farewell

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1A Crude Farewell Empty A Crude Farewell Sun Jul 03, 2011 10:34 am



As some saw, Crude left the guild after the merger with the Midnight Order. I did it purely for In Character reasons. She hadn't been paid even once (Not counting the payment issued after the meeting) And she simply did not want to work with assassins.
I admit I was not the most active member. Part of it is from getting burnt out from roleplaying back on Defias Brotherhood. But the times I've been online, I've had fun. I wish you lot the best of luck in the future!

2A Crude Farewell Empty Re: A Crude Farewell Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:51 am


The Boss
The Boss

Crude wrote:As some saw, Crude left the guild after the merger with the Midnight Order. I did it purely for In Character reasons. She hadn't been paid even once (Not counting the payment issued after the meeting) And she simply did not want to work with assassins.
I admit I was not the most active member. Part of it is from getting burnt out from roleplaying back on Defias Brotherhood. But the times I've been online, I've had fun. I wish you lot the best of luck in the future!

Thanks Crude!

I enjoyed your roleplay quite a bit and hopefully we'll meet in the future, for that; the best of luck and have a lot of fun in your further roleplay.

- Len, aka. Dyrack

3A Crude Farewell Empty Re: A Crude Farewell Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:05 pm



Hahaha. I'll stalk you unaffected by this!


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