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On the absence of Gnomes

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1On the absence of Gnomes  Empty On the absence of Gnomes Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:46 pm



As some may have noticed Fozzlefog aka Joe the medical has not been around these past few days. This message serves as a heads. I have not left you for good and Joe and her hooved friend shall return. However not for any lonOr... gere period of time as she has bee Or... An requested to speak at a conference in some crazy island out west somewhere.
Or slightly less convoluted : I the man behind the Gnomes need to go to a conference in England . I and Joe will be back next weekend. Good luck in all you misdeeds and try not to hurt yourselves too gravely

2On the absence of Gnomes  Empty Re: On the absence of Gnomes Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:35 pm



Good news! Speak for all of us, about... Chemisty? Yes?

Paws is holding the fort in Undermarket, healing where needed. Nothing to worry about Very Happy

3On the absence of Gnomes  Empty Re: On the absence of Gnomes Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:28 am



Chemistry indeed!

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