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The return of Fozzle.

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1The return of Fozzle. Empty The return of Fozzle. Fri Jun 24, 2011 4:55 am



It seems that my leave of absence went unnoticed untill yesterday. I shall return after a full weekend of work and other crazyness fresh and tiny as ever on monday.
Alot on my plate at the moment.
Aulou is in the same boat, as she and I am one and the same.

2The return of Fozzle. Empty Re: The return of Fozzle. Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:08 am



It wasn't unnoticed. The day before yesterday we talked about where you were, and assumed RL was being crazy. Paws also wondered where Joe was IC! NOT unnoticed Sad Not... COME BACK, Lil Medic! <3

3The return of Fozzle. Empty Re: The return of Fozzle. Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:41 am


The Boss
The Boss

I already wondered if you became a raider or something, great to have you back after the weekend!

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