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Letting you know...

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1Letting you know... Empty Letting you know... Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:10 am



...that today I left the guild due to IC-reasons. I am personally really sad about leaving, however it had to be done.

I was enjoying the Undermarket a lot, you guys are a great bunch of people. Sadly, roleplay lead Ashkaar another path then yours.

I will consider joining with an alt, but we shall see.

Good luck with everything.


2Letting you know... Empty Re: Letting you know... Tue Jun 14, 2011 5:05 am



Aww! But do consider Alt-ing us!

I assume you'll let Paws know IC somehow?

3Letting you know... Empty Re: Letting you know... Tue Jun 14, 2011 5:32 am



Annely wrote:Aww! But do consider Alt-ing us!

I assume you'll let Paws know IC somehow?

Sure, I'll send you another mail here some time soon.

4Letting you know... Empty Re: Letting you know... Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:27 am



It was great to have you! But please, do join on an alt!

5Letting you know... Empty Re: Letting you know... Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:43 am


The Boss
The Boss

I think it was unavoidable in the end.

It's tough and I really don't like it - but for roleplay it was the best. I can't wait to meet you ICly (on a alt) again!

Will Ashkaar make a return?
Will Paws avenge Ashkaar?
Does Dyrack's hair ever grow back?

See it next week, on how Azeroth turns.

6Letting you know... Empty Re: Letting you know... Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:07 pm



Dyrack wrote:I think it was unavoidable in the end.

It's tough and I really don't like it - but for roleplay it was the best. I can't wait to meet you ICly (on a alt) again!

Will Ashkaar make a return?
Will Paws avenge Ashkaar?
Does Dyrack's hair ever grow back?

See it next week, on how Azeroth turns.

Haha, yeah - who knows Wink

7Letting you know... Empty Re: Letting you know... Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:08 pm



Siyoth wrote:It was great to have you! But please, do join on an alt!

Might do Cool

8Letting you know... Empty Re: Letting you know... Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:58 pm



Today on "Annely's Inside Scoop":

Will Ashkaar make a return? She replies: "I find that hard to believe. He's a man of vision and ambition, and will hardly return to a failed project".

Will Paws avenge Ashkaar? *chuckles* "Hardly. Unless the Old Man managed to somehow damage Ashkaar's ability to perform sexually, she'll most likely consider this a matter of "business", and something between the Boss and Tail." *she nods* "Paws is a druid. She believes things happen for a reason."

Does Dyrack's hair ever grow back? "No."

Thank you! Stay tuned for more gossip from the cast, after next week's episode of 'The Undermarket'.

9Letting you know... Empty Re: Letting you know... Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:30 am



After having searched long and hard to reach sir Ashkaar Armandel himself, we finally found him at the basement of the Slaughtered Lamb. At first he was not interested in talking to us, but in the end he admitted to the short interview.

Will you make a return? "No. I don't often work on impulse and even though my decision to leave was made on the spot, I regret nothing."

Will Paws avenge you? "Haha, I doubt so. Paws is impulsive and has a heck of a temper but she is a clever woman. She should know that my decision is not threatening to the organisation, to any members of it, or to herself."

Does Dyrack's hair ever grow back? "No."

We thank sir Armandel for his time and wish him and his Paws good luck in whatever they decide!

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