The Undermarket
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Joining The Undermarket.

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1Joining The Undermarket. Empty Joining The Undermarket. Wed May 18, 2011 10:49 am


- Character Information -

*In-Game Name:

*"Real" Character Name:
Methelos Sylvertooth.

Used name:


*In-Game Age:
24 years old (Human years).

*In-Game Occuptation:
Walking around, stealing people, helping other criminals.

*In-Game location of residence:

*(Brief) history of character:
Methelos, 24 years old, his parents brutally murdered infront of his eyes on his age of 5, went to an orphanage, on his 14th, he ran off and he did anything he could, robbing people, all that kind of stuff. Had to go to the war, he got caught killing, and arrested, they thought death was to easy, and sended him to the front, where he could make up whatever he did wrong, he served for 6 awfull years, and than decided to run off, again, and got back into Stormwind since a couple of months, helping other criminals, and still stealing. Thats what he does for a living right now.

*Argent Archives profile link: (if none set "None" - make one and replace the "None" to the actual link)

*Reason to join an illegal organisation:
My character has always been into that kind, like The Rebellion, an old disbanded guild.

- Personal Information -

*Motivation of joining the Undermarket; what do you think to learn/experience with us?
I've helped one of your members out (IC) and he looked a quiet good roleplayer, so I guess the guild might be good.

*Years of roleplaying experience and how?
Almost 5. The first year not to good, but pretty experienced now. On WoW, from an old friend, who stopped playing.


Belgium, Antwerp

*Average time and days of being online:
Mostly every day, but I go to work, and school, so depends, on school mostly I'll be on at 18;00, but from my work I might have to work longer, so thats random, but I'm mostly on every day. (Working days: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, home untill the 1st of june, because of an injury.

2Joining The Undermarket. Empty Re: Joining The Undermarket. Thu May 19, 2011 12:35 am



Hey there ^_^

Thanks for your interest in the Undermarket.

We'll get back to you ASAP!

- Paws cat

3Joining The Undermarket. Empty Re: Joining The Undermarket. Thu May 19, 2011 1:27 am



Heya, and welcome to the forum!
Good luck with the application!


4Joining The Undermarket. Empty Re: Joining The Undermarket. Thu May 19, 2011 5:31 am


The Boss
The Boss

We've come to our knowledge that you (re)started your own guild, for the time being we will not take your application up to the officer group.

Thanks for applying and hopefully we'll meet you in the near future!

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