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Riot! How was it?

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1Riot! How was it? Empty Riot! How was it? Sat May 14, 2011 12:26 am



I am so sorry I could not be there.... :/

However, how did it go???

2Riot! How was it? Empty Re: Riot! How was it? Sat May 14, 2011 1:41 am



No idea, since had my sister over for dinner :S But the calendar says the event is moved to next week, so maybe you'll get another shot at rioting!

3Riot! How was it? Empty Re: Riot! How was it? Sat May 14, 2011 1:49 am


The Boss
The Boss


19.00 three of us were there. (Pète, Cinderblock and myself)
19.25 Cinderblock DC'd.
19.30 people started drippling in, most DC'd or went away shortly after the invite.
19.45 I decided to start the riot without Cinderblock.
20.15 Luckily friends from a few people out of the Coven helped gathering a group.
20.20 We were wanted by the Stormwind Home Guard.
20.25 Cinderblock returned.
20.30 I dc'd and couldn't be bothered starting WoW up again.

I must say that I like the fact we get invited by people for their events and to assist, but when someone DC's we all have to wait, should think of a solution for that.

4Riot! How was it? Empty Re: Riot! How was it? Sat May 14, 2011 5:22 am



Ah... Sorry to hear it did not go well. And yes, would be good if there had been a backup, for sure.

"We" are wanted, meaning you that was there or the Undermarket?

And ok Paws, hopefully if they do it again I may be able to attend Smile

5Riot! How was it? Empty Re: Riot! How was it? Sat May 14, 2011 5:24 am


The Boss
The Boss

As far I know we're not in danger as of yet. Wink

6Riot! How was it? Empty Re: Riot! How was it? Sat May 14, 2011 5:28 am



Awww really? Was disappointed last time I missed out on the torture RP! Wink

Edit: re-read that comment and realised it sounded somewhat wicked. Was a joke though....

Twisted Evil

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