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Security Reminders

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1Security Reminders Empty Security Reminders Wed May 11, 2011 11:03 am




Keep in mind that with public forums and all activity on the internets, there's always some risk involved. If you're not the most security savvy person(or even if you are it doesn't hurt double-checking), here's a few general tips/reminders to avoid account theft or getting keylogged.

  • Never use your email/password for registering somewhere. Ideally, keep your email just for Wow and use a different email for everything else.
  • Take a look at Blizzard's Security Checklist - they know their stuff fairly well.
  • If you're not sure if your computer is clean, there's an amazing guide on the forums for scrubbing it thoroughly.
  • Don't fall for phishing scams to your email. Don't know how to tell if email comes from Blizzard? Find out here.

Safe browsing! study

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